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Heroes of the Masmorra

So after almost a month painting almost exclusively infinity models I decided to give myself a change of pace and opened the Masmorra boxes for painting. It's kinda nice to paint chibis again. They are way faster to paint than the more detailed infinity models and you need to use a wider range of colors and approaches. Also they are really good to practice face volumes and skin tones.

Lotus was my first model as she always was one of my wife's favourite's to play. We owned the original brazilian Masmorra, so we were already veterans to the game when the american version came out. It was really cool to see minis being done for all the classic Masmorra characters.

Lotus controls animals around the dungeon and is a general annoyance.
Most of the guys were next. I tried to prioritize those that someone had already played before with us, so that if they want to play again the same character they can play it painted. Also Jay was a test run on dark skin before I tried to paint Makumba the necromancer.

Jay, Grenouille, Raffi and Travis
Some closer details of Grenouille. I tried to use the stippling technique I learned on the Rodoks to make his skin look more irregular in color, and I really dig the result. More froglike in appearance than a plain green for sure. I'm probably using him for Super Dungeon Explore for those moments when the witches turn you into a frog.

In our first game with the new edition I played Hyldir, and my wife was running Makumba so as the game ended they went right to the painting desk. I didn't really liked Hyldir's abilities in game much but I really like her miniature and her Valkirie theme.

 The overpowered Makumba was next. She works very similar to Lotus in game, but due to the fact that the american version has way more undead than beasts in the dice, in the end she is a way better character al around.
Painted Valerie the paladin too, In classic Warcraft soldier colors.

Some photos of the back sides.

I still haven't decided on a basing pattern yet so I guess I will paint them all first before chosing something that makes them pop a little more.

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